Friday, July 31, 2009

Is Neverblue's Affiliate Program Profitable?

By Bruce Carl

Affiliate marketing requires you to convince someone to buy a product or sign up for a service. Affiliate networks are a great way to find quality products to advertise. Appearance of new affiliate marketers has caused an expansion of affiliate networks. It seems like new affiliate networks appear everyday. It is important for affiliate marketers to identify quality affiliate networks. A bad choice can cost you money and time. Neverblue is an affiliate network worth a second look.

Neverblue is widely known for high quality support. Once you sign up, Neverblue assigns an affiliate manager to call you. They review what you expect from Neverblue. They also want to ensure the quality of potential affiliate marketers. Their questions are simple such as "What type of marketing do you plan on doing?" or "How much traffic are you currently getting?" Do not worry if you have a newer blog. Neverblue tends to be interested in desire and potential.

Neverblue provides crucial product information from the first screen. Once you login, you are provided some crucial campaign information. You are provided lists of the latest offers, top campaigns, and newest freebie offers. To stay up-to-date you can receive new campaign notifications by email.

Neverblue offers affiliate marketers a pleuthra of information to track their campaigns. Successfully tracking campaign information allows marketers to tell whether or not they are making money. Neverblue's reporting system provides information including:

1. Number of views each ad has received

2. Clicks the ad has received

3. Number of conversions each ad has

4. Your ads average CPA

5. Amount of the ad's revenue

6. Your ads conversion percentage

7. Estimated of amount each click is worth

Neverblue allows you to run reports by date, a date range, campaign, and much more. This reporting system provides you with a wonderful set of tools for tweaking your ad campaigns.

Neverblue provides each marketer with an abundance of advertising choices. Marketers can choose from banners, email creatives, or search creatives. Some campaigns even offer an "other" category. You also can choose from a variety of sizes ranging from popular (125 x 125) to the uncommon. Variety allow you to test different sizes and find those that can make you money.

I have just recently started using Neverblue. Already, I have been able to use their reporting tools to fine tune one of my campaigns. My test campaign has been averaging almost a 10% conversion ratio. Couple these reporting tools with friendly, knowledgeable support staff, great affiliate offerings, and frequently added offerings and you have an affiliate network that can take your internet marketing to the next level. I would recommend Neverblue to anyone wanting to make money with affiliate marketing.

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