You have decided that you want to generate extra cash. You must be checking out the phenomenon of network marketing, people are looking more and more for home-business opportunities, trying to find a real home job.
Here is what I've learned after years of first-hand experience.
Companies in the network marketing industry are everywhere, and there are just too many of them to continue. This makes the choice of which program to join a process of frustration. There are deplorable marketing opportunities such scams all over. Companies that sell the opportunity and do not have much of a product.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. For How long the company has been in business? Some buyers choose to network with an established company that has been around a long time, but if it is more than 15 years, you've probably missed the bulk of its growth. Others may choose to buy a relatively new company with an established reputation. If you're going with a new company, do background research as much as you can.
It is safe to assume that 90% of all companies never see their 2nd birthday. You do not want to invest your precious time and resources into something that may not be in business next month.
90% of all companies in network marketing never see a 2nd anniversary. You do not want to spend your precious time and resources in something that may not be in business next month.
2. How is the company capitalized? Does it have the cash it needs to grow, to maintain a strong infrastructure? To attract talented management? And, of course, to pay commissions! In general, do not get involved with any marketing company that does not show responsible financial management. Most people do not consider the financial status of the organization, they are too busy thinking of the money they can make for themselves using the products of the organization and maintaining a plan for remuneration.
In microscopic thinking, take a step back and consider how the company is making total revenue. Some things to consider to look from the top companies in network marketing:
*The debt of the company
*The creditworthiness of the company.
3. Does the company have a vision? Have you ever wondered why you want to enter the business? You should. Now ask the company you are considering the same question. What drives their passion? Are they giving back to the community as part of their vision? Examine the management team to see if it has solid mixture of successful entrepreneurs. Do they have a plan for structure and growth over the next 3 to 10 years? Are they constantly looking for ways to generate leads? Quite frankly, if not, your business will suffer a lot.
Here is what I've learned after years of first-hand experience.
Companies in the network marketing industry are everywhere, and there are just too many of them to continue. This makes the choice of which program to join a process of frustration. There are deplorable marketing opportunities such scams all over. Companies that sell the opportunity and do not have much of a product.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. For How long the company has been in business? Some buyers choose to network with an established company that has been around a long time, but if it is more than 15 years, you've probably missed the bulk of its growth. Others may choose to buy a relatively new company with an established reputation. If you're going with a new company, do background research as much as you can.
It is safe to assume that 90% of all companies never see their 2nd birthday. You do not want to invest your precious time and resources into something that may not be in business next month.
90% of all companies in network marketing never see a 2nd anniversary. You do not want to spend your precious time and resources in something that may not be in business next month.
2. How is the company capitalized? Does it have the cash it needs to grow, to maintain a strong infrastructure? To attract talented management? And, of course, to pay commissions! In general, do not get involved with any marketing company that does not show responsible financial management. Most people do not consider the financial status of the organization, they are too busy thinking of the money they can make for themselves using the products of the organization and maintaining a plan for remuneration.
In microscopic thinking, take a step back and consider how the company is making total revenue. Some things to consider to look from the top companies in network marketing:
*The debt of the company
*The creditworthiness of the company.
3. Does the company have a vision? Have you ever wondered why you want to enter the business? You should. Now ask the company you are considering the same question. What drives their passion? Are they giving back to the community as part of their vision? Examine the management team to see if it has solid mixture of successful entrepreneurs. Do they have a plan for structure and growth over the next 3 to 10 years? Are they constantly looking for ways to generate leads? Quite frankly, if not, your business will suffer a lot.
About the Author:
Sam Levitz is a respected, published author that brings us regular, work from home Hawaii articles and resources to teach people to create wealth from home. He is known as a leader in his state and industry for giving the gift of abundance to thousands around the nation especially those that desire to work from home Hawaii.
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