Add lots of buzz to your business, your reputation and your standing in your industry by becoming a socially relevant expert. It's not hard to do this and once you do, you'll get high quality attention and attract new clients. Begin by following the major internet news sites and spot the stories that pertain to your area of expertise. Choose to follow these stories as they develop so you can have a history of knowledge on the story. Start to form opinions about these news stories based on your own expertise and knowledge.
Comment on the news using your blog as your "practicing format". Why a blog? Still formal but with less pressure - no one needs more pressure. What you need is PRACTICING commenting concisely on the issues of the day in a conversational tone. This mimics the style of a TV or radio show. TV and radios shows like commentary that's focused, concise, to the point. They do NOT want to hear about what happened yesterday, they don't want yesterday's news but they want your fresh and current comments.
Blog everyday! That's right. It's not hard and not time consuming. Blogging everyday will you build up the expertise you need to be cutting edge so you can offer insight and commentary based on your history of knowledge about the topic. Success is about keep you finger on the cutting edge of society. What is the news in your industry, what are the challenges and what are they talking about? You want to know these answers!
Stay current in your commentary. Yesterday's comments are about as in demand as yesterday's newspaper - everyone knows what it said and now everyone wants the update! New fresh commentary, new perspective on the news, commentary on next steps. As more news events unfold in the story you are following, keep the updated commentary coming on your blog. This proves you know the story and have been following it as it was unfolding. This in depth knowledge will be helpful to you and may be the reason you are booked above someone else.
Be an ORIGINAL THINKER. The more you study and issues and then blog or comment about it, the more your comments will be fresh and original. The media wants YOUR perspective and remember, you are applying your knowledge credentials experience and wisdom to the issues under discussion. The more you do it, the easier it is to create appropriate and solid commentary quickly. Start to think in terms of solutions - such as, if I had to solve this problem how would I do it? Try to think of new solutions to old problems. The spark of creativity is fueled by your "blogging" foundation. Trust the process. It works.
Comment on the news using your blog as your "practicing format". Why a blog? Still formal but with less pressure - no one needs more pressure. What you need is PRACTICING commenting concisely on the issues of the day in a conversational tone. This mimics the style of a TV or radio show. TV and radios shows like commentary that's focused, concise, to the point. They do NOT want to hear about what happened yesterday, they don't want yesterday's news but they want your fresh and current comments.
Blog everyday! That's right. It's not hard and not time consuming. Blogging everyday will you build up the expertise you need to be cutting edge so you can offer insight and commentary based on your history of knowledge about the topic. Success is about keep you finger on the cutting edge of society. What is the news in your industry, what are the challenges and what are they talking about? You want to know these answers!
Stay current in your commentary. Yesterday's comments are about as in demand as yesterday's newspaper - everyone knows what it said and now everyone wants the update! New fresh commentary, new perspective on the news, commentary on next steps. As more news events unfold in the story you are following, keep the updated commentary coming on your blog. This proves you know the story and have been following it as it was unfolding. This in depth knowledge will be helpful to you and may be the reason you are booked above someone else.
Be an ORIGINAL THINKER. The more you study and issues and then blog or comment about it, the more your comments will be fresh and original. The media wants YOUR perspective and remember, you are applying your knowledge credentials experience and wisdom to the issues under discussion. The more you do it, the easier it is to create appropriate and solid commentary quickly. Start to think in terms of solutions - such as, if I had to solve this problem how would I do it? Try to think of new solutions to old problems. The spark of creativity is fueled by your "blogging" foundation. Trust the process. It works.
About the Author:
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