As a business owner, you may have noticed that a listing in the Yellow Pages - even a full-page color ad - no longer brings you the number of customers it used to. That is because today's yellow pages are really the world wide web. Today, people search for services on Google, and many never open - or even own - a copy of the yellow book.
SEO experts are making a killing online. They are paid hundreds of dollars every month to help clients bring their websites to the top of the search engines. However, most SEO experts will only help you with one thing - bringing your already-existing website to page one. What this means is that consumers have a 10% chance of clicking into your website.
So a listing on the first page of Google almost guarantees you a 10% chance of gaining a new client. However, it puts you on the same level as everyone else on that same page. If you want even more visibility, how would you go about getting the equivalent of the full-page color ad in the Yellow Pages?
The "DK is a Street Performer" study shows something new - something unheard of. Instead of bringing just one website to the top of the search engines, certain marketers are now able to bring MULTIPLE sites for one business to the top of the search engines - thereby increasing the chance that a consumer seeking the product will click on their site.
The more sites you have on the first page of Google for a specific search, the more likely you are to get traffic (or clicks) to your website. One site on the first page gives you a 1/10 chance of acquiring a new customer, while four sites would give you a 4/10 chance. One of the challengers in the dk-is-a-street-performer case study, Liane Carmi, was actually able to get to 8/10!
Because search engines like Google are constantly updating, sites on the first page of Google do not always stay there. For example, recent news and blog items tend to rank higher than older news items; however, marketers like Ms. Carmi are able to employ strategies that keep certain websites at the top of the page.
During a recent interview, Ms. Carmi was asked about the challenge, and what has allowed her to rank so well. "You have to take action, and keep taking action," she replied. "The winner is not the first person to do something - it's the first person to do something, and keep doing it consistently even when everyone else has stopped."
"Find someone who has experience with difficult online markets," Ms. Carmi offered. "This is the person who can get you the highest rankings on the first page of Google." Also, Ms. Carmi recommended getting extra help with your landing page. "In order to make sales, it takes more than a click - it takes knowing how to win the customer over. Most websites don't do that."
Want more information about the challenge and case study? Go to Google now and type "DK is a Street Performer." The sites that come up may surprise you!
SEO experts are making a killing online. They are paid hundreds of dollars every month to help clients bring their websites to the top of the search engines. However, most SEO experts will only help you with one thing - bringing your already-existing website to page one. What this means is that consumers have a 10% chance of clicking into your website.
So a listing on the first page of Google almost guarantees you a 10% chance of gaining a new client. However, it puts you on the same level as everyone else on that same page. If you want even more visibility, how would you go about getting the equivalent of the full-page color ad in the Yellow Pages?
The "DK is a Street Performer" study shows something new - something unheard of. Instead of bringing just one website to the top of the search engines, certain marketers are now able to bring MULTIPLE sites for one business to the top of the search engines - thereby increasing the chance that a consumer seeking the product will click on their site.
The more sites you have on the first page of Google for a specific search, the more likely you are to get traffic (or clicks) to your website. One site on the first page gives you a 1/10 chance of acquiring a new customer, while four sites would give you a 4/10 chance. One of the challengers in the dk-is-a-street-performer case study, Liane Carmi, was actually able to get to 8/10!
Because search engines like Google are constantly updating, sites on the first page of Google do not always stay there. For example, recent news and blog items tend to rank higher than older news items; however, marketers like Ms. Carmi are able to employ strategies that keep certain websites at the top of the page.
During a recent interview, Ms. Carmi was asked about the challenge, and what has allowed her to rank so well. "You have to take action, and keep taking action," she replied. "The winner is not the first person to do something - it's the first person to do something, and keep doing it consistently even when everyone else has stopped."
"Find someone who has experience with difficult online markets," Ms. Carmi offered. "This is the person who can get you the highest rankings on the first page of Google." Also, Ms. Carmi recommended getting extra help with your landing page. "In order to make sales, it takes more than a click - it takes knowing how to win the customer over. Most websites don't do that."
Want more information about the challenge and case study? Go to Google now and type "DK is a Street Performer." The sites that come up may surprise you!
About the Author:
What you just learned about 'DK is a Street Performer" is just the beginning. To get the full story and all the details, check us out at DK is a Street Performer
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