If you are not aware of how the internet world functions, you may be lost along the way because there are just so many things that you need to take into account. If you think that everything stops the moment when you already own a site, you better think again because there are other things to consider like you need to learn to cloak your links.
The main reason why there is a need to cloak your links is to help you stop link bypassing. When you try to move your mouse into a particular link within your web browser, it will show in the status bar. The moment when other people saw an affiliate link in this part of your site, there is a tendency that they will type the link to their address box without necessarily adding the affiliate parameter; this process bypasses the affiliate so it will go directly into the merchant.
People who are clicking on the links will search for the chance for them to have a direct deal into the company which is making the product in their wish to get a discount. There are even some people that going directly to the product manufacturer will give them the chance to experience good customer service although wiser buyers would first wish to be an affiliate just before they can purchase to get the commission. Whatever it is, doing this will definitely cut you out of the sale procedure.
Due to this, there is a necessity for you to take action the soonest as not to allow someone to rob you the chance to get the commission which is suppose to be yours. There are actually numerous methods to cloak the affiliate link because you can use your personal domain name, offer link to a page on your site so you can redirect it, or cloak the link by means of html. However, if you wish to use the safest method to cloak the links then you can purchase personal domain which you can promote it to affiliate links by means of URL marketing. By means of this method, you can ensure yourself that the affiliate link will not be visible and any person will find hard to look for it through search engines.
Furthermore, you can also make use of html in your wish to cloak the link so it will not appear on the status bar. This is an easy method to do although some people who are not aware of html language find it confusing.
Aside from this, another option is to use html to cloak the link so people will not see it on your status bar. This is fairly easy to do even though there are people who are not fully aware about how to tweak html. Nonetheless, there are websites that will help in this procedure so you don't really have to worry at all because you are bound to do it even though you are not an expert.
The main reason why there is a need to cloak your links is to help you stop link bypassing. When you try to move your mouse into a particular link within your web browser, it will show in the status bar. The moment when other people saw an affiliate link in this part of your site, there is a tendency that they will type the link to their address box without necessarily adding the affiliate parameter; this process bypasses the affiliate so it will go directly into the merchant.
People who are clicking on the links will search for the chance for them to have a direct deal into the company which is making the product in their wish to get a discount. There are even some people that going directly to the product manufacturer will give them the chance to experience good customer service although wiser buyers would first wish to be an affiliate just before they can purchase to get the commission. Whatever it is, doing this will definitely cut you out of the sale procedure.
Due to this, there is a necessity for you to take action the soonest as not to allow someone to rob you the chance to get the commission which is suppose to be yours. There are actually numerous methods to cloak the affiliate link because you can use your personal domain name, offer link to a page on your site so you can redirect it, or cloak the link by means of html. However, if you wish to use the safest method to cloak the links then you can purchase personal domain which you can promote it to affiliate links by means of URL marketing. By means of this method, you can ensure yourself that the affiliate link will not be visible and any person will find hard to look for it through search engines.
Furthermore, you can also make use of html in your wish to cloak the link so it will not appear on the status bar. This is an easy method to do although some people who are not aware of html language find it confusing.
Aside from this, another option is to use html to cloak the link so people will not see it on your status bar. This is fairly easy to do even though there are people who are not fully aware about how to tweak html. Nonetheless, there are websites that will help in this procedure so you don't really have to worry at all because you are bound to do it even though you are not an expert.
About the Author:
I am Tim Robinson offering you the World's Best Top Easy Tools which is , user friendly to re-direct URL for your Success, and to improve your Online Business. Get complete details about re-directing URL by visiting http://www.cloaknrotate.com
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