You can make money online by marketing information products like e-books and more. By this point, you will have researched a topic online, using keywords to narrow your field. Now the writing is complete and the website is online, you need to drive traffic to the website selling your e-book.
What is one of the best ways to get more visitors to buy your e-book?
By writing articles! You have researched keyword phrases and used them to write your e-book. Use those same keyword phrases to write articles, which will add more backward links to your e-book website. At the end of each article, add a link that leads people to your website. You may also want to add a brief note about yourself, the author, and offer them something of value for visiting your site. This "ethical bribe" can be information, a newsletter, or something else that will attract attention.
If you are writing an article that tells your reader how to save money, you can include a resource box like this one. "Stephen Beck has written many articles on throwing a wonderful wedding on a shoestring budget and is giving away a free report entitled, Saving Money While Still Having a Great Wedding. Click here for your free copy."
By clicking on that link, customers are taken to your single page website advertising your e-book. A pop-up requests their name and e-mail address, allowing you to send them a free report on saving money. Not only do you collect contact information, but you benefit from a steady stream of visitors to your website, all fascinated by your topic.
Once your article is written, you will blast it to the articles and e-zine directories on the web for massive e-book promotion. Why in the world would we blast them all over the internet? Because webmasters are notoriously lazy and they love free articles. They dont mind a bit that your articles are going to direct the reader back to your website.
As you write and submit articles, you develop a reputation as an authority. This increases your name recognition. At the same time, the backward links increase your rankings in the search engines while driving more traffic to your website. This is a great way to use articles to sell your e-book.
What is one of the best ways to get more visitors to buy your e-book?
By writing articles! You have researched keyword phrases and used them to write your e-book. Use those same keyword phrases to write articles, which will add more backward links to your e-book website. At the end of each article, add a link that leads people to your website. You may also want to add a brief note about yourself, the author, and offer them something of value for visiting your site. This "ethical bribe" can be information, a newsletter, or something else that will attract attention.
If you are writing an article that tells your reader how to save money, you can include a resource box like this one. "Stephen Beck has written many articles on throwing a wonderful wedding on a shoestring budget and is giving away a free report entitled, Saving Money While Still Having a Great Wedding. Click here for your free copy."
By clicking on that link, customers are taken to your single page website advertising your e-book. A pop-up requests their name and e-mail address, allowing you to send them a free report on saving money. Not only do you collect contact information, but you benefit from a steady stream of visitors to your website, all fascinated by your topic.
Once your article is written, you will blast it to the articles and e-zine directories on the web for massive e-book promotion. Why in the world would we blast them all over the internet? Because webmasters are notoriously lazy and they love free articles. They dont mind a bit that your articles are going to direct the reader back to your website.
As you write and submit articles, you develop a reputation as an authority. This increases your name recognition. At the same time, the backward links increase your rankings in the search engines while driving more traffic to your website. This is a great way to use articles to sell your e-book.
About the Author:
Stephen Beck shows people how to sell information products. Go grab his free website traffic report at so your family can start your home internet business today.
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