Saturday, June 20, 2009

Windows Hosting - The Choice of Successful New Online Entrepreneurs

By Steven Leon

If you are thinking about starting a business, one of your biggest decisions will be who to choose as a host provider and what platform do you want hosted on your server. The operating system can play a huge difference when it comes to website performance. When you research web hosting providers, you will notice that there are two main operating systems. You can choose from a Windows operating system or a Linux operating system. The Windows option has its benefits over Linux.

A system hosted with Windows offers software such as Windows NT or Windows Server 2008. These two pieces of software allow your website to operate on a Windows platform. They also offer amazing features that let a user create easy to manage websites. The very best part is, they support dozens of different applications built by Microsoft that enhance your website greatly.

One of the many applications that can be use if you are hosted on a Windows based server is the ability to use FrontPage. It also provides you the option of using ASP hosting.

One really cool feature of Windows hosting is the ability you have to create interactive web pages for your visitors. This is something that cannot be done if your website is hosted on a Linux platform. This alone will provide you with a competitive edge for your business.

Being a step a head of your competition is always a good thing. One thing you really have to understand that all things that come in and go out of your website have their pros and cons. Leveraging Windows hosting, you can make sure that your site is way more attractive and visually pleasing than your competition. This will bring an influx of traffic to your site.

You can use many of Microsoft products to incorporate different technologies into your website. You can utilize several programming language like Javascript, VBS script, Cold Fusion and PHP. If you use Windows operating system in a dedicated server, you can also get the ODBC which stands for Open Database Connectivity. Again, this is something you cannot get with Linux system.

The benefits of using a Windows hosting platform are pretty substantial. If you really want to launch a website and do it the right way, you should make it a goal to find a really good Windows hosting provider.

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