Sunday, September 6, 2009

Can You Make A Six Figure Income Online?

By Steve Main

People often ask me for a step by step process to make a six figure income Online. I have found that there are a lot of good processes to follow that will help with this process. I have found that the following steps should be addressed when embarking on a journey to a six figure income Online. They each have a strong importance, and none are really more important than the others. The bottom line is they all need to be thought of and addressed to ensure success in your financial journey.

1. The 8000 Plan: In order to make a six figure income, you will need to average a little over $8000 a month. This means you must be making $8000 this month, or be heading in that direction. If you find the $8000 a month figure hard to fathom or imagine, your six figure annual income will most likely be way out in the future. It is hard to make $8000 each month if you have not ever made $8000 in any month.

2. What have you earned in your past? This is an expansion of point one above. If you have never made this level of earning any time in your past, you will need to have a plan on how you are going to get there. If you have made $100,000 annually in a previous job, getting back there will not be that hard. If you believe you can get there, that is a big part of the equation. If you have never been there before, you need to have a plan to "go where you have not been before".

3. How much money are you currently making? Getting to six figures with little or no income will be difficult to achieve quickly. It is a great goal to aim for but you have to take it one step at a time. You have to achieve small successes and build on those. Perhaps setting smaller goals would be best, and as you achieve those goals you can push them higher until you reach the ultimate goal.

4. Residual income: This is the key to making a six figure income. If you are only able to make money when you make a sale, you will have a very difficult time reaching your goal. If you can continue to get paid over and over on one sale, now you are on your way. The key is to get paid this month for work you did last month and the month before that, etc. This is how you get your income to grow over time. Residual income is a big key to keep in mind.

5. Do you have a real business? If you are trying to make money Online then that means you are working from home. It takes some serious motivation and commitment to do this. Unless you are disciplined to go to work every day and follow a plan, you will easily get distracted and spend time doing things that will not help your business. You must treat it like a business or you will never make any real progress. This factor alone will help you on your path to success and a solid six figure income. If you are selling quality products to happy buyers with good customer service, then chances are you have a real business.

6. Do you have a business plan? Once you have a solid business, you need a well thought out business plan. If you do not have short term and long term goals and plans to meet and exceed these goals, it will be very difficult for you realize a solid, six figure income for your business.

I hope you can sense how important it is to have a written plan for success. Your written plan is your road map. It tells you how you are going to get from point A to point B. If you do not have written goals and plans, you almost certainly will struggle. This will be especially true if you are new to Online marketing and do not have a strong support structure at home. Take the initiative and effort to lay out a plan. This will serve you very well a you take your personal journey towards a six figure income Online.

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